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Discovery guided tour

Attend a guided tour to discover the Site of the Charterhouse in Sainte-Croix-en-Jarez, and be sure not to miss anything of its atypical history and its artistic treasures.

Follow in the footsteps of the Carthusian monks who lived there, and access spaces otherwise closed to the public:

  • The reconstructed hermitage of a Carthusian father
  • The former kitchen and its monumental fireplace
  • The mediaeval church and its 14th century paintings

Your guide will tell you the unique story of this one-of-a-kind village.

Duration : 1h30

Visiting hours

During opening hours

Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday at 3 p.m.

During public holidays, school holidays in French zone A and the Ascension holiday (from May 18 to 21).

Tours are held every open day at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.


€6,50 / €5

Reduced prices* : young people aged 8 to 18; students; jobseekers; large families; people with disabilities; approved OTSEM partners; tenants of the Elixir cottage; holders of a Pilat leisure card.

Free* : children under 8; tour guides; press.

*upon presentation of valid proof

Means of payment accepted : Cash, Bank card, Cheque, Holiday voucher, Pass Culture, Pass Région

Visitor guide

Do you wish to walk freely in the Chartreuse while getting some keys to understanding the Site?

Meet at the Information Point in front of the old monastery. You will be able to acquire our visitor guide there, which will reveal to you the essentials in order to enlighten your view of the Chartreuse.

Selling price: €3