Company open to the public

Tiers-lieux La Turbine Créative

Bienvenue dans ce haut lieu d'inspiration textile, dans cette vallée historiquement tournée vers le textile ! Sur place, on rencontre des artisans de la filière textiles et accessoires, on s'initie à leur savoir-faire, on expérimente les machines…

The Turbine Créative is the third place created by the association "Les nouveaux ateliers du Dorlay". The activities proposed are in 3 complementary dimensions:

- professional training, public training courses and awareness-raising to make people aware, to allow them to test or to improve their skills.

- shared workshop: the Textile Lab for experimenting, prototyping and producing, using shared machines.

- Rental of individual workshops and support for professionals, thus creating working conditions favourable to the development of each company.

Tourisme durable

Contact details

7 rue André Menut
42740 La Terrasse-sur-Dorlay
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